About the Artist.

Big Step Brothers Fan Halloween With a great friend and Helper to Amazing A.F. Artwork , Kerry Tyler and I
That's me in the art studio.  One Of My Paintings That made it into The Iowa State Fair   Cool Pic of One of my Paintings That one A Contest.  I am Greatly Honored for this.  The Team That Helped Me Get to Where I'm at today.  Katie, Ash, Mark, Eric & Shelly   Helpers you May See at art shows and in videos from time to time.  Awesome Individuals!!!Very First Art show At Copper Creek  One of My Best Friends, Supporter, and He's even My Lawyer Mr. Steve Allison.  He's Been a Tremendous Help To Amazing A.F. Artwork.

My Story


A little about me


I grew up on the east side of Des Moines. I had a normal childhood playing baseball, soccer, football, and other games with friends. Being raised on the east side of Des Moines was a big influence on my character as well as my work ethic.


I attended college at the University of Southern Ankeny, also known as DMACC. I have a degree in business management, and automotive repair. I found art in my life after graduating with my second-degree in business management. I started out with acrylic painting, then discovered flow painting, and then discovered resin. Resin art is amazing. The depth and texture that it creates is out of this world beautiful.


I’m a big fan of bold colors. Neon’s are hands down my favorite colors to work with. I also love the brightness of inks. The discovery of colors and combinations in abstract art is what drives my passion for art.  


I don’t know how to church this up and make my art sound all fancy. I just make beautiful things and I try to show the world through my eyes in my creativity of what I think is beautiful.  


If I’ve created one thing that brings someone happiness, I’ve done my job as an artist. I love to create happiness. That’s what drives me. I’m the type of person that if I’m out and about, and see someone having a rough time, or just not enjoying themselves – I’m going to cheer them up.


As far as my personal life, I’m single with no kids. I do have two dogs that I love and adore. My family and friends are the most important things to me in my life. I try to surround myself with a great group of people that give are positive influences. Also, I do not drink, but I still enjoying going out and having a good time. With that being said, I have nine years sobriety. I like to think I’m funny and one of my favorite movies is stepbrothers. So, you may just hear me say boats and hoes from time to time. . . did we just become best friends?

I've Also included Some Pics Of The Great People That Help Amazing A.F. Artwork Operate.   Katie, Kerry, Ash, Mark, Eric, and Stephen.  Without You, I wouldn't Be Where I'm at Today.  Big Thanks To My Mother Sherry Carroll for all of her help and Support too.